Pupil Voice
This morning Mr Herbert spoke to the school about the new student council which will be formed this month. The Student Council will be made up of a boy and girl in each class from P4 to P7. The elected children will form an important part of our Pupil Voice. The elected representatives will collect ideas from their class and from the P1-P3 classes. They will also pass on important information and announcements to their class. Children who are interested can get a speech template from their teacher. Speeches and elections will take place next week. The speeches and elections will take place on Monday 11th November and the successful candidates will be announced on Friday 15th November.
The main focus of the Student Council this year will be ‘Our Values in St Mary’s’. There will be a value each month that the school will be focusing on and it will be the job of the Student Council to develop ideas on how we can live that value in our everyday school lives. The values are as follows: Honesty, Faith, Friendship, Achieve, Respect, Resilience, Creativity.
The children’s motto will be: We play, we learn, we grow together and will be an important part of the work of the Student Council.